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Making A Simple Button using Paint Shop Pro 7... |
Tutorial # 2
The Steps:
- Open up Paint Shop Pro 7.
- Click on file and select new.
- Set properties as shown here when the 'new image' menu pops up. Width 180 Height 160 Resolution 72.000.
- Set the color to anyone you want, in this tutorial I'll be using green.
- Press OK
- Then go under color hex and right click the small black triangle and select
the O with the slash. This means your button will be buttonized without color influences.
- Then go up to effects-->3-D effects-->and select buttonize.
Click here to see the menu.
- Another menu will pop up. Type in your preferences.
- Then press okay. If you are satisfied, select File-->Save As, and type in
the file name.
Decrease it's loading time
by going under Colors-->Decrease Color Depth-->256 Colors. This way your image
will load faster.